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5 lessons from Covid for the future of technology and health

» ProSalud

The industry of health, has traditionally been slow in implementing the technology mobile. However, recent events are realizing that time is of the essence to build care services that adapt quickly.

Digitization of stories clinics, the generation of authorizations and urgent supplies and the interoperability of the insights These are just a few examples of how the care sector is rapidly adapting to the world of ones and zeros. 

The most recent report about him State of Mobility in the Healthcare Industry from the Canadian solutions company technological for emergency services, health and manufacturing, OUT, found that the technology   Enables more fluid communication, real-time information exchange and optimization of administrative tasks, which benefits patients y workers for the health.

75% of consumers surveyed said that doctors who use technology   provide a faster and more convenient experience; a benefit for everyone. Furthermore, the survey revealed that 54% of patients believes that doctors who take advantage of technology   reduce waiting times for health personnel. And 57% prefer to communicate with doctors and healthcare personnel through applications   instead of calling the doctor's office directly.

With the experience of hundreds of institutions de health with which SOTI has worked, this company proposes five technological lessons that can be essential when building the health services of the future.

1. Not being prepared is not an option

When lives are at stake, emergency services personnel emergency You need to know where you're going, what you're dealing with, and if there are any obstacles in your way. The pandemic of Covid-19 has reinforced the importance of speed and access to insights in real time when responding to emergency calls during a time of resource scarcity.

Whether it's a single consultation or millions of exams to process, the time to access the data and have the insights Safe are key values ​​for the industry. That is why the speed at which information travels and the integrity of the content are essential.

2. Scaling mobile solutions in an emergency should not be painful

Try technology   In small groups it is common practice. In this way, organizations around the world test new solutions before applying them to the entire company. But pilot programs should not suffer growth obstacles once their benefits are proven, such as reduced downtime or having the best protocols in place. fullfilment of security requirements. The deployment of tens to thousands of devices   It shouldn't take up weeks of valuable IT staff time. 

so that the technology be an ally, institutions must seek platforms robust compatible with all types of systems and solutions that can act proactively under the centralized control of an IT department. The technology Adequate must be flexible.

3. Training and communication are essential:

At professionals for the health, the implementation of the technology   can give them peace of mind that patients are being cared for in uncertain times. 

However, institutions of the sector cannot simply implement devices   on a large scale without considering how they will manage, maintain and support their staff, this requires trained personnel. After all, integrate technology to traditional processes can be a challenge, especially in organizations where workers are in different territories. 

But the effort is worth it. At the end of the day, the shipping experience tips de fullfilment of security requirements through an automatic notification to hundreds of devices simultaneously is different from doing it through a mail electronic that can sit in an inbox unread for weeks.

4. Have the necessary information for each health worker

so that the technology becomes an extra force in daily activities, it is not enough to have the devices at hand. data resources, sensors and the architecture to manage those operations are critical.

Sometimes it can be difficult for workers for the health Separate social interactions on your personal devices from critical information related to your professional role. In this type of situation, with the challenges of the models (BYOD – Bring Your Own Device), it is important for organizations to prioritize the level of access each employee could have to sensitive and relevant data. 

In these situations, there are solutions that can provide a customized mode, allowing the IT team to manage what information should be available in the hands of each employee for the health. It is important that organizations provide their employees with the tools adequate to receive information, centralizing control and reducing distractions and risks.

5. Personalized experiences require security and easy access

When annual medical checkups are delayed due to mandatory isolation and a  work doctor saturated, professionals health can easily access patient records to review their historial doctor, monitor prescription refills, and maintain your patients' information on a secure, compatible device. 

La technology   can help healthcare organizations digitally store records doctors to ensure that information is kept secure and easily accessible. 

Additionally, daily tasks, such as scheduling appointments, reviewing test results, laboratory or request recipes, are simplified with the technology and provide patients with a more positive healthcare experience. Instead of setting aside time to talk to your doctor to discuss the latest test results laboratoryFor example, patients can submit information in advance and healthcare experts can be prepared and have an action plan for the next appointment.

It is more evident than ever that the technology   It is a critical tool for the business both for the staff doctor front-line as well as for the community in general, which allows essential care to be provided, communication en tiempo part, track the spread of the virus and manage inventory for supply demand. As the world plans protocols for the future and responds to current pressures, organizations and governments around the world have an urgent duty to implement new solutions technological that will benefit society and save lives.

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Yair Ramirez
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