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With these 10 measures, Quintana Roo seeks to reduce COVID-19 infections

» ProSalud

The governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Manuel Joaquín González, announced 10 measures that will seek to reduce the infections of the new coronavirus COVID-19 in the entity.

"If we continue on this trend of growth in infections, we could reach the red light, and given this trend, I announce 10 new actions and prevention programs that we must carry out."

Carlos Manuel Joaquín González, governor of Quintana Roo

Decrease in mobility: In the cities of Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Tulúm, there will be closure of main roads and avenues, and the circulation of vehicles and people will be limited between 12:00 at night and 5:00 in the morning .
Greater surveillance on public transportation: It will be monitored that transportation complies with the established protocols and capacity, and that all passengers properly wear face masks. The sanctions in case of non-compliance may include retention of the vehicles for up to 30 days, or the loss of the concession. For ferries and boats that connect the islands, they must also be sanitized before each run. In maritime terminals, healthy distancing, the use of face masks and all health prevention controls must be maintained.

Increase in COVID tests: There will be 10 locations where these diagnoses will be carried out. The points will be placed where there is the greatest concentration of people and vehicles: bus stops, shopping plazas and neighborhoods or regions of Cancún.
Business closing hours: In the northern area of ​​Quintana Roo it will be no later than 11:00 at night. To monitor compliance, more inspection visits will be made, and sanctions for non-compliance can range from fines, prolonged closures and even revocation of licenses. All companies must comply with certification protocols for prevention and health protection in their facilities, so that both visitors and workers can carry out their activities in safe spaces.
Strengthen vaccination: In coordination with the federal government, there will be more vaccines against COVID in Quintana Roo starting this week. The immunization process of people between 40 and 49 years old will begin, and the management of the inoculation of personnel in the state's tourism sector will continue.

Promotion of technological tools for consulting relevant information on the behavioral patterns of the coronavirus: According to the governor of Quintana Roo, after vaccination, the pandemic has been reconfigured, and the contagion profiles have changed, which is why it has been designed a questionnaire published on the page, so that all people with a positive result for COVID are part of the effective response in the fight against the SARS-COV2 virus.
Identification of neighborhoods with the most cases of COVID and signaling of high contagion points: To obtain this information, you can consult the page; The number of active positive cases per neighborhood of all the municipalities of Quintana Roo is shown there. The signage of high contagion areas is to alert citizens.
Avoid social gatherings where prevention measures are relaxed, which is why operations will be intensified to detect and sanction social gatherings that exceed what is established by the epidemiological traffic light.
Greater health care in political campaigns: Regarding the next electoral process, the governor of Quintana Roo called on political parties and candidates to avoid crowds and take care of the health of their supporters. Carlos Joaquín urged all actors in the upcoming votes to comply with health measures.

Teamwork with the municipalities of Quintana Roo: Once again the state leader urged the municipal authorities to respect the established measures and take care of citizens in all public spaces, abiding by the aforementioned measures.
“We must work as a team and take care of our citizens. Let it be clear that this is serious, and the future of each and every Quintana Roo depends on strict compliance with these 10 measures.”

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Jorge Camargo
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