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Scanner that detects Covid-19 in people and surfaces will be manufactured in Mexico

» ProSalud

Developed by specialists in the United States, Jordan and Mexico, the scanner promises 100% effectiveness in detecting the virus in people and objects in a matter of seconds.

It was developed by specialists in the United States, Jordan and Mexico, the scanner promises 100% effectiveness in detecting the virus in people and objects in a matter of seconds.

The device is developed by the United States company Advanced Medical Solutions International (AMSI), which describes it as “the world's first contactless viral detector”, which can identify the presence of viruses such as influenza, but especially the coronavirus, including new strains.

In humans, the scanner can detect the coronavirus in various organs such as the lungs, as well as in the throat, nose and on the skin, and even on clothing.

However, the device is still under review in coordination with the group Biologics Consulting, Inc., for the FDA to approve its emergency use. And it is expected to be manufactured in countries in Central America, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

The medical researcher, who is today part of the project known as Covid Hunter, said that a little more than three months ago a panel of experts in biosafety, virology and immunology traveled to Jordan in order to analyze, debate and share advances and research in combat to the spread of the coronavirus.

The specialist hopes that once the first production is made they can advance with the certification processes before health authorities such as the FDA in the United States and Cofepris in Mexico.

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Yair Ramirez
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