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Independence in vaccines?: Mexico and Argentina present the Creole AstraZeneca

» ProSalud

This Tuesday, May 25, the presidents of Argentina and Mexico, Alberto Fernández and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, they formally began the distribution of the vaccines AstraZeneca 100 percent manufactured in both Latin American countries.

The two leaders indicated that this means a great advance in the fight against COVID-19 in the region, since it will help to have more independence from foreign laboratories.

“We are being more independent, Mexico, Argentina and Latin America, because that agreement we made; What it will allow is for Mexicans and Argentines to have united the effort, to work together, to have vaccines for Mexicans and Argentines, but also for all our Latin American brothers“Fernandez said in a video call during López Obrador's (AMLO) morning conference.

Meanwhile, AMLO has already announced the first shipment of 800,000 doses to Argentina and also referred to this milestone in the fight against the coronavirus.

“This agreement to jointly produce the AstraZeneca vaccine is already beginning to bear fruit. What is being announced here is that vaccines are going to be produced at the plant in Mexico, which will allow Mexico to have vaccines, Argentina and also other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to have enough vaccines,” said López Obrador.

Mexico will also begin the distribution of 800,000 doses of this Creole AstraZeneca and later deliveries to other Latin American countries will begin.

The Argentine laboratory mAbxience, part of the Insud group, manufactured the active substance and the Mexican laboratory Liomont completed the packaging process. The foundation of Mexican millionaire Carlos Slim financed the high production costs.

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Jorge Camargo
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