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WHO needs more data on the effectiveness of the Oxford vaccine against COVID-19

» ProSalud

La World Health Organization needs more data to evaluate the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine and the fact that it shows more efficacy with lower doses.

The WHO has so far only been able to see a press release with limited data. They claim that “something interesting” has been observed, but this effectiveness may be due to many reasons, so they need more information and a complete evaluation of the immune response.

“It's too early for us to say what we think of the data and what is needed next. What really we need to see more than a press release", really seeing the data and being able to ask the necessary questions," said Katherin O'Brien, the organization's vaccination director.

The chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, added that the number of people who received the different doses is not the same and their ages were also different so it is “very difficult to compare.” She believes that It would be “speculative” at this point. and they agree with AstraZeneca that a full trial on the lower dose will be needed to draw conclusions.

The Organization encourages all manufacturers to publish complete trial data and their protocols to make it easier for them, regulators and citizens to make decisions.


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Yair Ramirez
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