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Mexican children are not safe from COVID: 8,491 have been hospitalized

» ProSalud

In Mexico City alone, Covid cases tripled, going from four to 17 in one month, from July 11 to August 13.

Just last July 11, the head of the capital's Health Secretariat, Oliva López Arellano, reported only four cases of infected children in hospitals, but by August 1 there were already 12, and by the 13th of this month the record was 17 minors were hospitalized, amid growing alert and uncertainty among family members due to the saturation of hospital beds.

“There are 17 children in hospitals of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico City, none of them in serious condition and all with favorable prognoses,” said the capital official. The secretary even assured that in the country's capital there is already “stability” in the number of people hospitalized, and that the week that ended “only 133 hospitalizations due to COVID-19 increased.”

He insisted that “fortunately the pathophysiology of the disease affects children and young people much less, and there are cases, most of them asymptomatic, and they are detected because a screening test is done. Quick test, but fortunately it is not a group that has a great risk.”

Due to the above, the head of the capital's Sedesa denied that with the return to classes infections could increase, and trusted that a safe return to the classrooms is expected and that the health of all those involved who participate in the school communities will be promoted. .

He explained that “the bet is a safe scene in a favorable condition in terms of health security; Furthermore, very necessary because evidence has already been shown, in terms of the harmful effects of the long period of non-face-to-face classes.”

According to reports from the federal Ministry of Health, since the beginning of the pandemic to date, 3 children between 357 and 0 years old have had to be hospitalized, another 4 between 133 and 5 years old, and 9 more than 402 to 10 years old and 14 who range from 599 to 15 years old, which today totals 19 minors who have been hospitalized due to COVID.

At the peak of the first wave, there were 3 cases of minors in the country's hospitals for treatment and in the second wave of infections, 532 were registered.

However, it stands out today that the reported cases of possible “ambulatory” infections – those who did not need to go to a hospital – have so far totaled 194 infants.

Of these cases, 15 were children between 24 and 0 years old, another 4 between 23 and 842 years old, 5 more between 9 and 47 years old, and 769 between 10 and 14 years old who exceeded the virus.

In the first wave, it was reported that “outpatient” cases were 76 and in the second wave the figure reached 300.

Meanwhile, figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National System for the Comprehensive Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents (Sipinna) report 59 confirmed COVID-127 infections in minors between one and 19 years of age since the start of the pandemic in Mexico. , cases from which 17 deaths have resulted.

“All these ideas that have circulated that it is now an epidemic of adolescents and children are not supported by evidence, neither in Mexico nor anywhere in the world,” said Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell.

Source/Text: The financial

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Yair Ramirez
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