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Rise in requests for oxygen concentrators in the face of the 3rd wave of Covid

» ProSalud

QUERÉTARO, Qro., August 17, 2021.- Municipal authorities of Querétaro recognized that there was an increase in the number of requests to have an oxygen concentrator, due to the third wave of COVID 19 infections.

It was the director of the capital's DIF, María del Carmen Ortuño, who explained that now more than 100 have been provided, when just on July 29 there were 62 that had been granted in coordination with the health secretary.

“Yes, we have also had this increase, practically, but it has increased significantly,” he said. The municipality has more than 200 of these devices, with an investment of more than 10 million pesos.

Finally, it was detailed that the number of COVID tests applied also increased, since from 70 daily that were carried out there are now 150; with a positivity rate that grew in the last 15 days from 35 to 38 percent.

Rise in requests for oxygen concentrators in the face of the 3rd wave of Covid


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Yair Ramirez
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